Ric Tyler – Buildings Archaeologist

Full List Of Projects


Bridge Street, Clun, Shropshire, 2021
Heritage Impact Assessment in respect of an unlisted former forge and workshop lying within a Conservation Area, to accompany planning application for change of use.

Castle Cottages, Tattershall, Lincolnshire, 2015
Historic Building Record and Assessment in respect of Grade II listed farmhouse to inform internal re-ordering.

Dudmaston Hall, Shropshire, 2016
Detailed drawn and photographic record and assessment of former brewhouse and stables/coach house ranges.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Lichfield Chambers, Queen Square, Wolverhampton, 2012
Historic building assessment of rare 16th-century house in Wolverhampton town centre prior to refurbishment.

North-West Wales Dendrochronology Project / Dating Old Welsh Houses Project, 2011-2018
Rapid recording of a total of twenty two 15th-/ 16th-century houses in and around Snowdonia, north-west Wales to complement dendrochronological study.
View sample report (further examples available via discoveringoldwelshhouses.co.uk)

Old Hall, Old Marton, Shropshire, 2017
‘Level 2’ historic building record of  Grade II* listed, late-16th-century timber-framed farmhouse, undertaken as part of a wider ‘condition survey’ at the request of Historic England, with a view to informing a phase of proposed building repair and refurbishment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Reader’s House, Ludlow, 2011
Full architectural record of Grade I listed, early 17th-century house, with Jacobean timber-framed porch.

Rudds Bridge, Rock, Worcestershire, 2014
Conditional recording of 18th/19th-century cottage.

Stratford-upon-Avon ‘STRATFIRE’ Project, 2022 (ongoing)
Rapid recording of a series of timber-framed buildings in Stratford-upon-Avon town centre as part of a three-year, HE -funded dendrochronology-based study.
Visit project website

The Hole, Whitbourne, Herefordshire, 2011
Detailed record of ruinous remains of 19th-century agricultural building including evidence for former 17th century timber-framed domestic range.

The Oaks, Bringsty, Herefordshire, 2015
Historic Building Record and Assessment in respect of Grade II listed farmhouse as condition of planning consent /LBC for internal improvements/refurbishment.

The Weir, Kenchester, Herefordshire, 2011
Detailed recording of early 20th-century conservatory extension to 18th-century house, to inform future management options.

The Weir, Kenchester, Herefordshire, 2015
Detailed recording of stables and coach house ranges adjunct to 18th-century house, to inform design proposals for remodelling.

Tomkins Farmhouse, Martley, Worcestershire, 2011
Detailed survey of 15th-century cruck-built farmhouse ahead of refurbishment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Upper Blaen Farmhouse, Llanveynoe, Herefordshire, 2021
‘Level 2’ historic building record of ‘derived’ longhouse structure as condition of planning consent for refurbishment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Wightwick Manor, Wolverhampton; Stable Block, 2011
Detailed recording of stables ranges, adapted from former agricultural complex in late-19th century.
View submiited report (external link via ADS)

Wightwick Manor, Wolverhampton; Old Malthouse, 2014
Detailed recording of 17th-century former malthouse.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Woodlands Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Staffordshire, 2014
Conditional photographic record of post-WWII, Unity ‘pre-fab’ houses (the last surviving examples within the town) prior to demolition.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)


Albion Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, 2022
Conditional, ‘Level 3’ recording of Grade II listed, late 19th-century purpose-built manufactory within Birmingham’s ‘Jewellery Quarter’ ahead of consented, mixed-use redevelopment.  Report finalisation pending.

Barr and Grosvenor Foundry, Wolverhampton, 2009
Full survey of 19th and 20th-century foundry complex.

Caroline Street / Regent Place / Regent Parade, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, 2019
Rapid ‘Historic Building Assessment’ of complex of C19th-/20th-buildings (residential and workshops) within Birmingham’s ‘Jewellery Quarter’ to inform pre-application discussions related to mixed-use redevelopment of the site.

Caroline Street / Regent Place / Regent Parade, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, 2020-22
Conditional, detailed recording of complex of C19th-/20th-buildings within Birmingham’s ‘Jewellery Quarter’ ahead of consented, mixed-use redevelopment.

Chance’s Glassworks, Smethwick, Birmingham, 2007
Detailed recording and assessment of 19th-century glass manufactory in advance of redevelopment.

Goodyear Tyre Factory, Wolverhampton, 2007
Rapid assessment and targeted recording of extensive 20th-century industrial factory complex in advance of demolition/redevelopment.

Harper’s Hill, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, 2020-21(a): Report 1; 109 Northwood Street
Conditional recording and assessment of Grade II listed, C19th-office/warehouse/manufactory building ahead of mixed use redevelopment.
Download submitted report here (external link via ADS)

Harper’s Hill, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, 2020-21(b): Report 2; 199 Newhall Street
Conditional recording and assessment of Grade II listed,early- to mid-C20th-office/manufactory building ahead of mixed use redevelopment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Harper’s Hill, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, 2020-21(c): Report 3; Unlisted Buildings
Conditional recording and assessment of 12 individual, C19th-/C20th- light-industrial buildings ahead of large-scale, mixed use redevelopment.
Download submitted report here (external link via ADS)

Hill & Evans Vinegar Works, Lowesmoor, Worcester, 2015
Conditional building record of five structures formerly forming part of 19th-century vinegar manufactory prior to demolition / refurbishment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Lea Quarries, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, 2009
Record and heritage assessment of mid-20th century limestone quarry plant to inform discussions on possible future use.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Lichfield Maltings, Lichfield, Staffordshire, 2011
Recording and appraisal of late 19th-century floor maltings in advance of conversion to residential use, including the detailed recording of primary plant.

Middleport Pottery, Burslem, Stoke on Trent, 2012
Winner of Association of Industrial Archaeology (AIA) Archaeological Report Award (Funded Projects) 2014 (in collaboration with IGMT)

Detailed recording, interpretation and assessment (in collaboration with Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust) of 19th-century pottery works.

Niphon Works, Wolverhampton, 2007
Evaluation and photographic record of 19th-century japanning works.

Old Bull’s Head, Lower Gornal, West Midlands, 2010
Recording and assessment of late 19th-century tower brewery in advance of refurbishment.

Reilloc Chain, Foley Mill, Kidderminster, 2013
Conditional recording of 1930s former spinning mill related to carpet manufacture prior to demolition.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Reliance Works, Caroline Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, 2019
HE ‘Level 3’ record of early-C19th domestic/industrial complex in Birmingham’s ‘Jewellery Quarter’ in response to planning condition for residential/commercial conversion.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Royal Worcester Porcelain Works, 2016(a)
Conditional recording of mid-C20th, former tunnel kiln range prior to demolition.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Royal Worcester Porcelain Works, 2016(b)
Conditional recording of fourteen industrial / administrative ranges prior to demolition / refurbishment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Royal Worcester Porcelain Works, 2017(a)
Conditional recording of industrial ranges (‘Site C’) prior to refurbishment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Royal Worcester Porcelain Works, 2017(b)
Supplementary building recording during site clearance.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Royal Worcester Porcelain Works, 2017-18
Preparation of text and images for website and interpretive display panels.

Sunbeamland, Wolverhampton, 2007
Evaluation and photographic record of late 19th/20th-century industrial complex to inform initial discussions regarding possibilities for redevelopment.

Town Mill, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire, 2012
Drawn and photographic record of surviving elements of late 18th/19th-century flour mill.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Trinity Press Print Works, London Road, Worcester, 2014
Conditional recording of 1930s print works prior to demolition and redevelopment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Worcester, White Ladies, 2014
Conditional recording of early 20th-century garage/workshop prior to demolition for redevelopment.

Power Generation

Commercial Road Electricity Generating Station, Gloucester, 2010
Recording and appraisal of fragmentary remains of early 20th-century generating plant.

Cottam Power Station, Retford, Nottinghamshire, 2018
Comprehensive record of (then) still-operational, 1960s 2,000MW coal-fired power station in Trent Valley near Retford, Nottinghamshire.
(NB. subsequently closed, September 2019).  View submitted report. (link to ADS download page).

Eggborough Power Station, Eggborough, North Yorkshire, 2020
Comprehensive record of decommissioned, 1960s 2,000MW coal-fired power station prior to demolition.
View submitted report (external link via ADS; NB. large file)

Ironbridge Power Station, Buildwas, Shropshire, 2017
Winner of Association of Industrial Archaeology (AIA) Archaeological Report Award (Funded Projects) 2018

Comprehensive record of surviving ‘Ironbridge A’ (1930s) and ‘Ironbridge B’ (1960s) Power Station structures during decommissioning.
View submitted report (external link; NB. large file)

Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station, Nottinghamshire, 2021
Heritage Assesment and ‘Level 2’ Building Record of cooling towers 2a and 4a  and asssocaited CW system as condition of planning consent for development of ‘EMERGE’ EfW facility.
View submitted report (external link via ADS; NB. large file)

Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station, Nottinghamshire, 2023
Comprehensive record of still-operational, 1960s 2,000MW coal-fired power station in Trent Valley near Ratcliffe on Soar, Nottinghamshire.
Report not in public domain.

Rugeley ‘B’ Power Station, Rugeley, Staffordshire, 2018
Comprehensive record of decommissioned, 1960s 1,000MW coal-fired power station prior to demolition.
View submitted report (external link via ADS; NB. large file)

Sizewell ‘A’ Nuclear Power Station, Leiston, Suffolk, 2024
Level 2/3 Historic Building Record of turbine hall range of Magnox nuclear power station prior to demolition.
Report in preparation.

West Burton ‘A’ Power Station, Retford, Nottinghamshire, 2018
Comprehensive record of (then) still-operational (two units), 1960s 2,000MW coal-fired power station in Trent Valley near Retford, Nottinghamshire.
(NB. Remaining two units closed, 31st March 2023).  View submitted report (link to ADS download page).

Cooling Towers
Short article for ‘Anthropolgy News’ website of the American Anthpological Association for an issue themed around ‘Energy’.
View webpage


Bucknall Hospital, Stoke on Trent, 2013
Conditional recording of late 19th-century infectious diseases hospital prior to partial demolition and redevelopment.

Battenhall Mount, Worcester, 2017
Comprehensive photographic record of mid-late 19th-century Italianate villa and associated stables/gatehouse/cottage, repurposed as independent girls’ school in 1930s, in advance of adaptation.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Dudley Road Schools, Blakenhall, Wolverhampton, 2013
Historical research, detailed building recording and assessment of 1873 Board School to inform proposals for HLF-funded programme of refurbishment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Dudley Schools, 2009-2010
Recording and appraisal of a number of late 19th-/early 20th-century school buildings (School Board and LEA) to inform discussions on potential redevelopment.

Guest Hospital, Dudley, West Midlands, 2011
Detailed drawn and photographic study ahead on conversion and partial demolitions.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, 2012
Drawn and photographic study of late 19th and early 20th-century hospital administration, ward, and nurses accommodation blocks and laundry block prior to demolition.

MG Building, University of Wolverhampton, 2011
Detailed drawn and photographic record of 1950s purpose built gymnasium block, formerly part of Staffordshire Technical College, prior to demolition.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton, 2009
Drawn and photographic study of 19th-century former workhouse buildings prior to demolition.

South Shropshire District Council Offices, Corve Street , Ludlow, 2016
Historic Building Record of cold war, district level nuclear monitoring station and 19th-century stables / coach house in advance of demolition/ refurbishment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Wolverhampton Grammar School, 2012
Survey and photographic record of 20th-century fives courts and former OTC rifle range in advance of demolition.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Whittington Barracks, Lichfield, Staffordshire, 2008
Pre-demolition recording of Victorian and 20th-century barracks buildings.

Worcester College of Technology, Barbourne, Worcester, 2014
Conditional historic building recording of 1920 school building ahead of partial demolition and redevelopment.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)


Atcham Barn, Atcham Village, Shropshire, 2019
Level 2/3 record and assessment of multi-phase former barn on the National Trust’s Attingham Estate, Shropshire to inform possible adaptive re-use.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Attingham Estate Farmsteads Assessment, 2015
Rapid assessment of eleven historic farmsteads on the National Trust’s Attingham Estate, Shropshire.

Barn to north of Morville Hall, Bridgnorth, Shrophire, 2019
Level 2/3 photographic record of redundant ‘curtilage listed’ agricultural range prior to conversion.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Benthall Hall Farm, Broseley, Shropshire, 2017
Detailed drawn and photographic record and assessment of multi-phase farm complex associated with late 16th-century house.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Benthall Hall Outbuildings, Broseley, Shropshire, 2019
Drawn and photographic record of series of subsidiary outbuildings related to Grade I listed Benthall Hall.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Blount’s Hall and Hazelwalls Farms, nr. Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, 2021
‘Retrospective’ historic building recording of two 19th century farmsteads following demolition.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Cronkhill Farm, Atcham, Shropshire, 2012
Detailed drawn and photographic record and assessment of early-mid 19th-century farm complex associated with John Nash’s Cronkhill Villa of c.1802-5.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Drayton Lodge Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire, 2021
HE Level 1/2 recording of late-18th/19th-century farm complex as condition of consent for demolition.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Garden Barn, Old Hall, Wollerton, Shrosphire, 2019
Historic Building Record and Heritage Assessment in respect of late-C18th/early-C19th former coach house / stables to inform planning application.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Gwiwer Barn, Woodhouse Farm, Tilley Green, Wem, Shropshire, 2020
Heritage Impact Assessment to accompany planning application for construction of storage building within curtilage of Grade II listed building.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Manor Farm Barn, Old Burghclere, Hampshire, 2010
Archaeological survey and fabric analysis of Grade I listed, 15th-century, timber-framed aisled barn to inform restoration.

Manor House Farm, Ashley, Loggerheads, Staffordshire, 2021
Detailed building record and interpretation of late-18th/early-19th century ‘curtilage listed’ farmstead buildings prior to conversion.
See submitted report (external link via ADS)

Moseley Old Hall Farm, Featherstone, South Staffordshire, 2019
Detailed drawn and photographic record and assessment of group of 18th-/19th-century traditional farm buildings.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Shelter Shed, Home Farm, Croft Castle, Herefordshire, 2013
Detailed recording of derelict shelter shed at Home Farm in advance of installation of bio-mass boiler.

Country Houses, Manor Houses etc

Attingham Park Stables, 2016
Historic building record and assessment of Grade II* listed, late 18th-century stable block to inform proposed internal reordering.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Benthall Hall, Broseley, Shropshire, 2012
Detailed recording and assessment of late-16th century country house with relic early 16th-century timber-framed elements.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Canons Ashby House, Warwickshire, 2014
Historic Building Recording and Assessment of 18th-century stable block undertaken to inform proposed internal reordering.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Charlecote Park, Warwickshire, 2013
Detailed record and assessment of 17th-century stable block to inform internal reordering.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Charlecote Park, Warwickshire, 2016
Detailed record and analysis of 17th-century service range (incl. 18th-centiury brewhouse) and associated, 19th-century structures, to inform NT ‘in-house’ CMP.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Hay Castle House, Powys, 2015
Detailed record and analysis of 17th-century house to inform comprehensive Conservation Management Plan.

Hinchleywood House, Mapleton, Derbyshire, 2019
Record and assessment of 18th-century house, variously extended and modified in 19th/20th centuries.

Longshaw Lodge, Hathersage, Derbyshire, 2015
Historic Building Record and Assessment of 19th-century shooting lodge and associated chapel, stables and coach house, undertaken to inform design process for proposed conversions.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Lower Brockhampton Manor House, Herefordshire, 2013
Historical research, drawn and photographic survey of 15th-century, timber-framed manor house undertaken to inform representation of property to public.

Moseley Old Hall, Featherstone Staffordshire, 2014
Detailed record of early 17th-century, former timber-framed house, encased in brick in 19th century.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Shugborough Park, Staffordshire, 2017
‘Level 2’ record of early 19th-century gate lodge, moved in c.1845-7 for the construction of the Trent Valley Railway.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

The Dower House, Quatt, Shropshire, 2010
Detailed recording of Queen Anne house, extended in 19th century for use as a Poor Law District School.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Wilderhope Manor, Shropshire, 2014
Detailed record and assessment of late 16th-century manor house, undertaken in tandem with programme of roof repairs.
View submitted report (external link via ADS)

Castles / Fortifications

Chateau de Mayenne, Pays de la Loire, France, 1996-98
Comprehensive architectural study of 10th-century fortified ‘proto-castle’ undertaken in tandem with 18-month long excavation project. (View website)

Kilkenny City Walls
Fieldwork and co-authorship of Conservation Management Plan.
View published CMP (external link)

Boarstall Tower, Buckinghamshire
Architectural study of 14th-century gatehouse and archaeological watching brief during refurbishment.


Oxford, St Aldates Church, 1999
Archaeological watching brief, including targeted excavation and building recording undertaken during internal ground reduction and refurbishment.
See published article (external link)

Newlands Chapel, Kent
Detailed architectural study of Romanesque Chapel.

Dover, Church of St Martin-le Grande
Architectural recording in advance of consolidation work.


Coventry City Centre South Redevelopment, 2023
Detailed record of listed structures, post-war public art and street furniture heritage assets in Coventry City Centre.  Report finalisation pending.


Discovering the Historic Houses of Snowdonia, 2014
Preparation of publication drawings for RCAHMW book on Snowdonia houses.

Ludlow Broadgate, Shropshire, 2015
Preparation of measured plans, elevations and cross-sections for Ludlow Historical Research Group.

Reader’s House, Ludlow, 2015
Illustrations for final report on comprehensive study of  the Readers House.
External link to final report

Severn Trow ‘Spry’, 2015
Preparation of interpretive 3D drawing of late-19th century sailing barge for interpretation panel at Ironbridge Gorge Museum.

The Origins of Ludlow, 2008
Preparation of interpretive town plans based upon historical research by Dr David Lloyd MBE for publication.